Cyber Security

Cyber Security
Risk Assessments

cyber security
OUR Solution

TechSure Risk

A comprehensive cyber security risk assessment is essential for evaluating an organisation’s defences against cyber threats.

This process involves identifying and documenting vulnerabilities associated with IT assets, estimating and evaluating risks, selecting controls to treat identified risks, and producing a prioritised list of vulnerabilities and an action plan for improving the organisation’s defences against real-world attacks.

Our solution provides a detailed analysis of your current security posture, helping you understand where your vulnerabilities lie and how to address them effectively. We offer tailored recommendations to enhance your security measures and protect your critical assets from potential threats.

TechSure security assessment reports

In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, your business’s success and reputation depend on its ability to protect sensitive information, ensure business continuity, and maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.

To meet these modern business demands, TechBrain has developed TechSure, our comprehensive IT security risk assessment service designed to identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks to your organisation’s critical assets, ensuring a secure and resilient business environment.

Our service aligns security goals with your organisation’s business objectives, ensuring that cybersecurity measures support and enhance your key business objectives.

Our service is specifically tailored to help businesses align with the Australian Government’s Essential 8 security controls, recommended by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), to a maturity level of level 1 or 2, depending on organisation size, sector, and risk appetite.

Tailored approach

At TechBrain, we recognise that every organisation’s security posture is unique, with its own set of challenges, objectives, and requirements.

Our tailored approach to IT security risk assessment reports ensures that we deliver solutions specifically designed to address your organisation’s needs while aligning with the Australian Government’s Essential 8 security controls.

We begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your business processes, infrastructure, and goals before creating a customised risk assessment plan that accurately reflects your organisation’s risk landscape identified in our cyber risk assessment, considering factors such as industry sector size and complexity. This approach helps us thoroughly understand and address your information security risks.

Expert team of certified professionals

Our IT security risk assessment reports are prepared by a team of certified professionals with extensive experience in the field of cyber security, including experts with in-depth knowledge of the Australian Government’s Essential 8 security controls and ACSC/AASD standards.

Our team follows a structured security risk assessment process to identify and document vulnerabilities associated with IT assets, ensuring that your risk assessment is based on the most current information and industry standards.

Our team comprises professionals with certifications such as CISSP, CISA, and CRISC, demonstrating our commitment to excellence and expertise in the field of IT security risk management.

Comprehensive and actionable results

TechSure’s IT security risk assessment reports provide a comprehensive analysis of your business’s vulnerabilities, threats, and potential business impact.

We thoroughly evaluate your IT systems, processes, and personnel, using cutting-edge tools and techniques to identify any areas of weakness.

Our risk assessment reports not only outline the identified risks and their potential impact on your business but also provide clear, actionable recommendations for risk mitigation over the immediate, short, and long term.

By understanding your cyber risk exposure, we help you assess the real risk exposure of your business and create a prioritised action plan for managing those risks.

Our detailed reports include a comprehensive testing summary and a prioritised list of risk mitigation strategies tailored to your business’s specific needs and objectives.

We provide guidance on implementing these strategies, ensuring that your business can take the necessary steps to enhance its security posture effectively. Enabling you to make informed decisions on resource allocation and investment in cyber security measures.

On-going support and implementation

TechSure was created in the belief that IT security risk management is an ongoing process, requiring continuous monitoring and adaptation to the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Maintaining an overview of the complete risk management process is crucial to detecting any changes and ensuring effective risk mitigation.

That’s why our IT security risk assessment service goes beyond the initial report. We offer ongoing support and implementation assistance to ensure that your business can effectively execute the recommended risk mitigation strategies and maintain a strong security posture.

Our team of cyber risk experts is available to provide guidance, address any challenges or concerns during the implementation process, and review the effectiveness of the implemented measures.

We also offer periodic reviews of your risk landscape, making adjustments to risk management strategies as needed to ensure your organisation’s continued protection against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

That’s why a TechSure IT security risk assessment report is the solution of choice for businesses looking to protect their valuable assets and ensure business continuity in an increasingly complex digital environment.


Risk Assessment Process

TechBrain’s cyber risk assessment process uses advanced scanning software to detect real-time risks to your company’s infrastructure. We also identify new internal and external vulnerabilities, and prevent unauthorised access.

Our qualified IT experts and our partners can review the results of the vulnerability scan to provide a report outlining key recommendations and tips for neutralising threats. We cover the following aspects:

  • Determine the systems and processes that pose a security risk before an attacker can identify them
  • Create a list of all devices in the corporate network, including system information
  • Determine the predefined risk level that exists on the network.
  • Compile a list of all devices in the business to help with future updates and future IT vulnerability testing

After the vulnerability scan is completed, our team of experts will analyse the findings and provide a set of feasible priority recommendations to improve your information security.

Applying our expert vision to thousands of pages of data, we highlight key security issues that must be addressed and provide you with plans for continuous improvement over time.

We have expertise in IT vulnerability testing and can select and calibrate the best tools for your unique industry and IT systems. We will also work with your internal IT department to coordinate a schedule of vulnerability scans that will not interrupt important systems or services.


Essential 8 Assessment

Our Essential 8 evaluations evaluate your organisation’s cyber security posture against the eight important security standards specified by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD).

The ASD developed and maintains the Essential 8 framework, which is critical for improving an organisation’s security posture and successfully lowering the risk of cyber security events.

Our mission is to provide your company with the information and guidance it needs to build its cyber defences, minimise risks, and safeguard its valuable assets from emerging cyber threats.

We recognise that each business is unique, with its own set of challenges, goals and risk tolerances. That’s why we tailor each evaluation, working directly with your team to gain a thorough understanding of your IT infrastructure, current security policies, and possible vulnerabilities.

Our technique guarantees that even complicated risk assessments are carried out quickly, saving time, effort, and money.

The eight essential strategies include:

  • Application control
  • Patch applications
  • Configure Microsoft Office macro settings.
  • User application hardening
  • Restrict administrative privileges.
  • Patch operating systems
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Regular backups

When you engage TechBrain for an Essential 8 assessment, our certified security specialists will thoroughly review your systems, applications and procedures to identify areas where your organisation excels and possible gaps that might expose your company to cyber attacks.

Our results are presented in a detailed report with practical suggestions for rectification and improvement.


NIST 800-53 Assessment

Our NIST Risk Assessment service is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of your organisation’s cyber security posture, enabling you to make informed decisions and prioritise your risk mitigation efforts.

By leveraging the industry-recognised National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework, we ensure a systematic and thorough evaluation of your IT infrastructure, processes and controls.

We follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Risk Assessment Guidelines, using a structured methodology to thoroughly evaluate your cyber security status and provide actionable recommendations.

  • Initial Consultation: Assessing your specific needs and challenges.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering and analysing data from your systems.
  • Risk Identification: scanning for vulnerabilities and threats.
  • Risk Treatment and Mitigation Planning: Developing a tailored plan to reduce risk exposure.
  • Recommendation and Roadmap Development: Providing clear, practical steps aligned with NIST standards.

By working with TechBrain on your NIST Risk Assessment, you’ll receive valuable insights into your organisation’s risk environment, allowing you to improve your security posture, ensure compliance with relevant legislation, and establish trust among your stakeholders.

Our complete strategy and continuous assistance will guide you through the complexity of cyber risk management and enhance your resistance to emerging threats.

Invest in the security and resilience of your organisation by choosing TechBrain’s NIST Risk Assessment service. Let us help you take a proactive stance in managing your cyber risks and safeguarding your critical assets.

Our service excels at tackling complex risk assessments, ensuring an efficient and effective process that saves time and effort while delivering consistent and repeatable results.


Vulnerability & Cyber
Security Risk Prevention

In today’s interconnected world, vulnerability and cybersecurity risk prevention are more relevant than ever to business operations, and understanding the risks while implementing effective security measures is vital to ensuring business continuity, safeguarding sensitive data, and maintaining stakeholder trust.

Tackling complex risk assessments efficiently and effectively is crucial for streamlining the risk assessment process and ensuring consistent and repeatable cyber security risk assessments every time.

Vulnerabilities can exist in various forms, such as software bugs, misconfigurations, or weak security practices. Exploiting these vulnerabilities, cybercriminals can cause disruptions, financial loss, and reputational damage to businesses.

Proactive identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities are essential to creating a robust cybersecurity posture. Regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, combined with timely patch management and employee training, can significantly reduce the likelihood of a successful cyberattack.

However, cybersecurity risk prevention is not a one-time effort; it requires continuous monitoring, assessment, and adaptation to the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Businesses need to adopt a comprehensive, multi-layered approach to cybersecurity, incorporating a range of tools and techniques to defend against various threats. This includes implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption, as well as enforcing strong password policies and access controls.

Aligning with Essential 8 – ACSC / ASD cyber security standards

Aligning with the Australian Government’s Essential 8 cybersecurity controls, recommended by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), has become increasingly important for organisations of all sizes.

The Essential 8 is a set of baseline security best practices designed to mitigate the risk of cyber threats and minimise the potential impact of cyber incidents. These controls cover a broad range of security aspects, including application whitelisting, patch management, restricting administrative privileges, and multi-factor authentication.

Adhering to these cybersecurity standards not only strengthens an organisation’s security posture but also demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a secure and resilient business environment.
This is particularly important for businesses operating in regulated sectors, such as healthcare, finance, or e-commerce, where maintaining compliance is crucial to avoid costly fines and penalties.

By implementing these controls, businesses can enhance their cyber security posture, protect valuable assets, ensure business continuity, and maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations.

In an increasingly complex digital environment, adherence to these nationally recognised standards is vital for cyber security effectiveness and resilience.

cyber audit

Why You Should Perform Cyber
Risk Assessment?

Regular vulnerability assessments help organisations in the following ways:

  • Stay one step ahead of attackers: Determine the level of security exposure before a potential attacker does.
  • Improve your security measures: Maintain an effective set of measures to detect, prevent, respond to or mitigate potential attacks, and strive to maintain the best state of security to achieve your organisation’s vision of success.
  • Discover and secure: Ensure the safety of all network devices and apps on-site or in the cloud with our cloud computing services.
  • Reduce cost and boost productivity: Reduce the risk of excessive cost and productivity loss caused by attacks.
  • Equal opportunity: Helps small businesses (whose limited resources make them prime targets by cyber attackers) reduce and manage their threat environment.
  • Privacy and personal data security: Trust is vital to employees, suppliers, customers and exposure time to potential threats must be reduced.


What is the purpose of the vulnerability assessment?

The purpose of the network vulnerability assessment is to assess the overall security of your system and determine any weaknesses in your organisation’s IT infrastructure. Vulnerability assessment can proactively test and determine the possibility that bad actors may damage your system, while also accurately determining how much the system may be damaged when such damage occurs. It also tests the resilience of your system and network against cyber attacks.

How can I tell if my organisation needs a vulnerability assessment?

Here are some simple questions business owners and managers should ask themselves about their corporate network security:
Do we need two-factor authentication to access critical information systems?
Do we need regular assessments of network vulnerability?
Do we need regular password updates?
Do we have cyber protection, including a unified threat management system for inbound and outbound protection?
Do we have a data recovery plan that is implemented and updated regularly?
Do we have policies and user account control to prevent scripts and processes from running from temporary and system folders?
If you’re uncertain what the answers to any of these questions are, then that’s a good sign there may be weaknesses in your IT you’re not aware of.

What does the vulnerability assessment provide?

Your vulnerability assessment will provide you with a checklist that can be used to regularly maintain and protect systems and networks. Think of this as your roadmap, which can guide you through regular tests to proactively search for new risks that may jeopardise the organisation’s security. This will help you integrate network security into your organisation’s daily environment to better protect your data. TechBrain can also assist in incident response, digital forensics and malware analysis.

What is a false positive?

False positives refer to the vulnerability assessment tool indicating the existence of a vulnerability where it doesn’t actually exist. This is a common problem in vulnerability assessment. Many of our competitors won’t take the time to eliminate false positives but will provide you with lengthy reports full of them. This will waste your time and will have you chasing ghosts! We work with you to eliminate false positives by understanding your environment, using authenticated assessment scans, proving the proficiency of our tools and methods, and using our substantial experience.

What is the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability testing?

Vulnerability assessment is less intrusive than penetration testing. Through vulnerability assessment, we can identify vulnerabilities, but not exploit them. Penetration testing goes beyond the scope of vulnerability assessment by exploiting vulnerabilities and seeing how far attackers can actually penetrate and disrupt systems or applications.

How often should we perform a vulnerability assessment?

Ideally, you should have a continuous vulnerability assessment and remediation process. Organisations that scan for vulnerabilities from time to time and resolve them are less vulnerable. We provide a subscription-based vulnerability assessment model to help you meet the requirements for continuous vulnerability assessment and remediation.

What is an authenticated vulnerability assessment?

The authenticated vulnerability assessment is the most accurate. This is where we use credentials during the scan. (These could be Windows domain credentials, Linux credentials or database credentials, for instance.) An authenticated scan can check the actual files on the system without guessing the application version or patch level. For example, if the latest DLL file fixes a vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows service, an authenticated scan can test the exact DLL version.

What if we find out that we have been infected during the vulnerability assessment?

This is actually common, and not normally a cause for alarm. Any existing malware or trojan discovered during the vulnerability test will cause the assessment to stop immediately and be brought to the attention of the designated point of contact (POC). One of the biggest benefits of partnering with TechBrain for your vulnerability assessment is that no matter what we might uncover, we’ve got the skills and expertise to set it right.