Cyber Security

Cyber Security

cyber security
OUR Solution

Employee &
management training

Data breaches and cyber attacks can have a detrimental impact on your business – and the majority of cyber security breaches are caused by humans.

Loss of data, reputational damage and financial ramifications can push your business to breaking point. As technology continues to develop and evolve, so too does the sophistication of cyber-attacks – which means comprehensive, up-to-date cyber attack prevention is essential..

By investing in cyber awareness training, your business can avoid becoming a statistic; the $33 billion annual damages faced by Australian businesses due to cybercrime, while maintaining trust among stakeholders, customers and employees through a demonstrated commitment to cyber security education.

Engaging employee training

Immerse your employees in a true learning experience with our diverse collection of phishing simulation kits and animated video lessons.
Ensure that every team member, regardless of their technical proficiency, receives a comprehensive training programme.

Streamlined reporting

Simplify your training management with seamless automation, allowing you to schedule mock phishing campaigns and training sessions up to a year in advance.

Generate insightful reports that highlight both individual and organisational performance, automatically delivered to designated recipients for effortless tracking.

Tailored training materials

Customise phishing emails, sender addresses and attachments to mirror the specific threats faced by your organisation.

By creating training content that resonates with your employees’ daily experiences, we significantly enhance the effectiveness of your cyber security awareness program.

Up-to-date training assets

Stay ahead of evolving cyber threats with our continuously updated phishing kits and video content.

Released monthly, these fresh resources ensure that your employees remain vigilant and prepared to identify and respond to the latest tactics employed by cybercriminals.

Mitigate Risk

Ignite your human firewall

Are you currently navigating cyber insurance, external shareholder expectations, financing, or director obligations under the Corporations Act?

Reducing your risk through efficient, cost-effective, and thorough training of your employees could be one of the most valuable investments you make in cyber security.

Our comprehensive and easily adaptable training solutions are designed to assist business and their employees in gaining a deeper understanding of cybersecurity risks and best practices. By equipping your workforce with essential knowledge and skills, we aim to foster a more secure work environment and significantly decrease the probability of cyber incidents.

Implementing our training program not only demonstrates your commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and protecting your organisation’s assets, but also fulfils your legal and regulatory obligations.

Ultimately, investing in high-quality cybersecurity training can minimise financial and reputational risks, ensuring the long-term success and stability of your business in an increasingly digital landscape.

employee opening emails, cyber threat appears
Who We Help

Easy & accessible training

Our cyber security awareness training is designed to benefit a wide range of organisations and employees across various industries. Any organisation that uses digital technology, stores sensitive information, or conducts business online can benefit from our training, including but not limited to:

  • Small and medium-sized businesses
  • Large enterprises
  • Non-profit organisations
  • Government agencies
  • Educational institutions

The training is applicable to employees at all levels within an organisation, from entry-level staff to top-level management.

  • Administrative and support staff
  • IT professionals and technical staff
  • Sales and marketing teams
  • Human resources personnel
  • Finance and accounting teams
  • Executives and management

By offering comprehensive and easily adaptable training, we aim to help organisations and their employees better understand cyber security risks and best practices, ultimately contributing to a more secure work environment and reducing the likelihood of cyber incidents.

Training Modules

Skills your team will learn

Give your team the skills they need to stay up to date and compliant with the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Centre’s Essential 8 across ten 15-minute modules they can do at their own pace.

Password security
Password best practices play a pivotal role in securing digital assets, as strong and unique passwords for each account, coupled with multi-factor authentication, can thwart unauthorised access attempts.

Phising indicators & prevention
Recognising and avoiding phishing attacks, being cautious about downloading attachments or clicking on links, and steering clear of suspicious websites can significantly reduce the risk of malware infections and other cyber threats.

Websites & software
The importance of recognising risks posed by malicious websites and software, teaching users to identify these potential threats and offering practical guidelines for maintaining safe browsing habits, mitigating cyberattacks, and enhancing overall online security.

Delving into malware types and polymorphic variants aswell-as educating users on detection methods. Exploring typical attack patterns, empowering individuals to recognise and prevent malware-related incidents.

Introduces encryption concepts, examines various types like scareware and provides strategies to avoid attacks. Empowering users to better understand and navigate ransomware threats to ensure better data protection.

Social media safety
Being mindful about the information shared online, maintaining strict privacy settings, and avoiding interactions with unknown individuals can minimise the risks associated with data leakage or cyberstalking.

Social engineering prevention
Educating individuals about deceptive tactics, promoting critical thinking, implementing multi-factor authentication, and fostering a security-conscious organisational culture to thwart manipulation and unauthorised access.

Incident reporting and response
An effective incident reporting and response protocol enables organisations to quickly detect and address potential security breaches, thus mitigating their impact on operations and reputation.

Covering key regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA Privacy & Security, PCI DSS and Data Breach Notification under the Data Protection Act to equip individuals with essential knowledge to maintain legal and regulatory standards.

Physical security measures
Physical security measures should not be overlooked, as they provide a strong foundation for digital security. Ensuring that workspaces are secured, implementing access controls, and being vigilant about the disposal of sensitive documents can prevent unauthorised individuals from gaining access to critical systems or data.


Importance of cyber
security awareness

The importance of cyber security awareness in today’s digital landscape cannot be overstated. With a vast array of sensitive information and critical systems being managed online, understanding the potential risks and how to mitigate them has become essential for businesses and individuals alike.

In Australia, statistics reveal that cyber threats are on the rise, with the Australian Cyber Security Centre reporting an average of 69 cybercrime incidents per day in 2021-2022, up 13% on the previous year. This growing concern highlights the need for individuals and organisations to prioritise cyber security awareness in order to protect sensitive data, prevent security breaches, and comply with regulatory requirements.

One of the primary objectives of cyber security awareness is to protect sensitive data, such as personal information, financial data, and intellectual property. By educating employees on potential threats and best practices, organisations can reduce the likelihood of data breaches and the associated reputational and financial costs.

Prevention of security breaches is a crucial aspect of cyber security awareness. Through training and education, employees can learn to identify and avoid phishing attacks, ransomware, and other malicious activities that could compromise system integrity.

Compliance with regulatory requirements is another important reason for investing in cyber security awareness. Data protection laws, such as the Australian Privacy Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), mandate organisations to implement appropriate measures to protect personal information. By providing employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to adhere to these regulations, businesses can avoid costly fines and legal consequences.

A comprehensive cyber security awareness program should include employee training and education, focusing on key aspects such as recognising potential threats, adopting safe online practices and reporting suspicious activities.

This empowers employees to take an active role in maintaining a secure environment and helps build a security-conscious organisational culture. Moreover, a regularly updated, proactive training program ensures that employees stay current with evolving threats and are well-equipped to handle an ever evolving, cyber landscape.

Top level management buy-in and support are critical to the success of a cyber security awareness program. By allocating resources for training and promoting a security-centric culture, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting valuable assets and maintaining customer trust.

The role of employees in maintaining a secure environment is indispensable. They serve as your business’s human firewall, the first line of defence against cyber threats, and their vigilance and proactive behaviour can make all the difference in safeguarding an organisation’s digital ecosystem.

By investing in employee cyber security awareness training and securing management support, organisations can create a more secure environment and minimise the impact of cyber threats on their operations.


Who should participate in cyber security awareness training?

All employees within an organisation should participate in cyber security awareness training, regardless of their role or department. This includes full-time, part-time, and contract workers, as well as temporary staff and interns.

Since cyber threats often target human vulnerabilities and anyone with access to company systems or data can potentially introduce security risks, it is crucial to ensure that every employee understands basic cyber security principles and practices to maintain a secure work environment. In some cases, specialised training may be necessary for employees in specific roles, such as IT staff, who handle more sensitive information or systems.

How often should employees undergo cyber security awareness training?

Employees should undergo cyber security awareness training at least annually, as it helps keep them up-to-date on the latest threats, security best practices, and company policies. However, more frequent training or ongoing reinforcement is recommended to ensure that employees remain vigilant and retain the information they have learned.

New employees should receive training as part of their onboarding process, and training should be updated whenever significant changes occur within the organisation or its systems, or when new regulations are introduced.

How long does the training typically take to complete?

We’ve created modules that comprehensively cover compliance with Australian government’s Essential 8 requirements. These modules are designed to be completed in a relatively short period of time, equating to a few hours course workload for each employee.