Cyber Incident

cyber security

In the face of frequent cyber attacks and events, business continuity is no longer guaranteed, proactive actions must be taken to defend your digital posture.

A well-prepared cyber security incident response strategy is crucial for minimising the impact of a cyber security breach and ensuring a prompt recovery.

Why choose TechBrain?

At TechBrain, we are dedicated to assisting businesses’ in developing and maintaining robust cyber security incident response strategies. We can develop your business’s cyber resilience and security through:

Expertise & Experience

Our team consists of seasoned cyber security professionals with years of experience in incident response. Organising and operating effective incident response teams is at the core of our expertise, emphasising our crucial role in preparing for and managing cyber security incidents.

Proactive Approach

We focus on prevention and preparedness by conducting regular vulnerability assessments and threat intelligence monitoring, helping you stay one step ahead of potential threats. Our proactive approach focuses on preventing incidents rather than just reacting to them.

Customised Solutions

We tailor our services to your unique company requirements, providing optimum security and efficiency. No two businesses are alike, and neither are our incident response plans.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We leverage the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver state-of-the-art incident response solutions.

We provide your business with top-of-the-line defense mechanisms, including cutting-edge tools to detect threats and automated systems for immediate response.

Customer-Centric Services

Our customer-centric approach ensures that you receive personalised service and support tailored to your organisation’s unique requirements, such as assigning dedicated account managers for direct assistance.

Choosing the right partner for your cyber security incident response planning is a critical step. At TechBrain, we offer the expertise, experience, and cutting-edge solutions necessary to safeguard your business from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Our proactive, tailored, and most importantly customer-focused strategy sets us apart, ensuring your company is prepared to handle and recover from any cyber disaster.

techbrain team memeber analysing code

Assessment & Analysis

An efficient incident response strategy starts with having a good grasp of the security posture and any weaknesses in your company’s security posture.

Every project starts with a thorough evaluation and analysis phase intended to find risks, threats, and opportunities for development.

Initial Consultation

Drawing on our research, we create an incident response plan that is specific to your company’s objectives and compliance needs.

Risk Assessment

Our experts conduct a thorough risk assessment, evaluating your existing systems and processes to identify areas of risk and potential attack vectors.

Gap Analysis

We analyse the gaps between your current security measures and best practices within the incident response process, providing a clear roadmap for improvement.

Through our meticulous assessment and analysis process, we lay the groundwork for the development of a robust and tailored incident response plan.

Identifying risks, gaps, and improvement opportunities helps your organisation effectively respond to and recover from cyber security incidents.

TechBrain team in plan development meeting

Plan Development

Having a thorough awareness of the security posture and any weaknesses, our team goes on to create an incident response strategy that is customised to your requirements.

This strategy is like a road map; it outlines how to deal with and bounce back from a cyber security breach.

Customised Strategy

Based on our findings, we develop a tailored incident response strategy that aligns with your business goals and compliance requirements.

Detailed Playbooks

We produce thorough playbooks that specify what has to be done in all kinds of situations, so your staff is aware of what to do in case of an issue. In order to reduce harm, our playbooks contain procedures for identifying and repairing impacted systems.

Communication Plans

Throughout a cyberattack, efficient communication is essential. We set up explicit channels of contact to guarantee correct and timely information distribution, both within your company and to other parties.

With TechBrain’s incident response strategy, your company has a practical and straightforward structure for handling cyber security incidents.

We customise our approach to meet your needs, creating detailed playbooks with clear response steps and setting up effective communication systems, including secure messaging platforms, to prepare your team for any potential cyber threats.

TechBrain team in training meeting

Implementation & Training

Creating an all-inclusive incident response plan is only the first step; its efficacy depends on its correct execution and instructions.

Working directly with your internal IT team, our cyber security experts integrate the strategy into your current IT infrastructure and give your staff comprehensive training to guarantee a smooth and efficient response to any cyber security crisis.

System Integration

We integrate the incident response plan with your existing IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless execution and minimal disruption to your operations.

Employee Training

We provide extensive training sessions to ensure your incident response team and staff are fully trained so that they can act quickly and effectively during an incident. To maintain staff preparedness, frequent exercises and simulations are recommended.

Role-Based Access Controls

Implementing role-based access controls helps limit the impact of a breach by restricting access to sensitive data and systems.

Through proper implementation and training, TechBrain ensures that your organisation is well-prepared to put your incident response plan into action.

TechBrain support team answering support call.

Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Your incident response strategy has to change to keep pace with an ever evolving cyber threat landscape.

We’re aware of and equipped to meet that need for continuous support and maintenance, ensuring your company is ready to handle that always shifting threat environment.

Our team is dedicated to providing regular updates, on-going support, and post-incident analysis to keep your incident response plan effective and up-to-date.

Regular Updates

Cyber threats evolve, and so should your incident response plan. We offer regular updates to keep your strategy current, incorporating the latest threat intelligence and best practices.

Post-Incident Analysis

As part of our post-event activity, we do a comprehensive review after an incident to determine what went right, what went wrong, and whether adjustments to the strategy are required.

Improving your security posture and refining your incident response strategy in the long run.

We ensure your incident response plan stays effective and current through continuous support and maintenance services.


Not Planning is
Preparing for Failure

Many companies still do not have a thorough cyber security incident response strategy, even with the sophistication of attackers growing.

Having a robust incident response strategy is crucial for mitigating harm and ensuring a swift recovery from security events like data breaches, DoS attacks, and insider threats.

Financial Consequences

Without an incident response plan, organisations are prone to significant financial losses. Cyber attacks, including data breaches and ransomware, can lead to immediate expenses such as ransom payments, legal fees and fines.

Indirect costs are also felt, such as lost business opportunities and operational downtime, which further strain financial resources, severely impacting the organisation’s bottom line.

Reputation Damage

A cyberattack may ruin a company’s reputation. Customers lose confidence in data breaches, damaging stakeholder relationships. Brand damage may result from sudden negative publicity. Without strong crisis response procedures in place, companies can lose customers and market share.

Regulatory Penalties

Failure to comply with data protection laws may result in severe consequences. Without a robust incident response strategy, companies face penalties and audits for not meeting industry requirements. Regulatory scrutiny may drain resources and damage the company’s brand.

Operational Setbacks

Cyberattacks disrupt vital company processes and lower productivity. Without an incident response strategy, event detection, response, and recovery take longer. These delays interrupt critical processes, cause data loss, and impair company continuity, impacting customer service.

Increased Vulnerability

Recurring assaults are more likely in organisations without incident response plans. Cybercriminals frequently exploit weaknesses to attack unprepared firms. Without established proper response protocols, companies cannot learn from past disasters or improve, leaving them vulnerable to recurring attacks.

A strong cyber security incident response strategy is critical for managing these threats and guaranteeing financial stability, reputation, compliance, and operations.


How often should we review and update our incident response plan?

You should review and update your incident response plan at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to your IT infrastructure, business operations, or after a major cyber incident.

Regular updates Keep your plan current with evolving cyber threats and industry best practices. More frequent reviews may be necessary for highly regulated industries or those handling sensitive data to ensure ongoing compliance.

What technologies are essential for effective incident response?

Key technologies for effective incident response include advanced threat detection tools, automated response systems, SIEM systems and secure communication channels.

Tools like Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions help identify threats in real-time.

Automated response systems streamline processes, while SIEM systems centralise data for better analysis. Secure communication channels ensure safe information sharing during an incident.

How can we measure the effectiveness of our incident response plan?

Measure the effectiveness of your incident response plan through regular testing, such as tabletop exercises and simulations, and by reviewing key metrics like Mean Time to Detect (MTTD), Mean Time to Respond (MTTR), and Mean Time to Recover (MTTR).

Post-incident reviews are also crucial for identifying areas for improvement and making the necessary updates to the plan.

What steps should we take immediately after discovering a cyber incident?

Activate your incident response plan and assemble your team.

Contain the threat to prevent further damage by isolating affected systems.

Preserve evidence for forensic analysis to determine the incident’s cause and scope.

Communicate with key stakeholders promptly and transparently.

Investigate and assess the impact to understand the full extent of the incident.

Initiate recovery processes to restore systems and data.

Document and report all actions and findings for future reference and compliance.