Managed SOC

cyber security

Unparalleled Protection

Australian businesses rely heavily on technology to promote development, manage operations, and provide excellent customer experiences.

However, as digital transformation accelerates, so does the need for robust cyber security measures that can keep pace with the evolving landscape.

At TechBrain, we understand that strong security is essential not only for protecting your assets but also for driving business success.

Our managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) services provide a comprehensive and proactive approach to cybersecurity, providing your company the confidence to innovate while protecting its critical infrastructure, networks and sensitive data.

We are a leading Australian-based provider of managed SOC services, actively aiding organisations in satisfying compliance and regulatory requirements while providing access to cutting-edge security solutions.

Our Approach

TechBrain uses the SOC-as-a-Service concept to provide managed SOC services that are comprehensive and suited to our clients’ needs.

Our security team, which includes trained security analysts, uses cutting-edge tools and technology to monitor your systems 24/7, detecting and responding to any security issues in real time.

Continuous Monitoring

Our comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system collects and analyses log data from your networks, devices, and apps, allowing our security team, which includes highly skilled security analysts, to detect anomalies and potential attacks immediately.

Threat Detection and Analysis

Our SOC team uses modern approaches such as machine learning and behavioural analysis to detect and rate security occurrences. This enables us to swiftly discern between false positives and legitimate threats, allowing us to concentrate our attention on the most crucial situations.

Incident Response and Remediation

If a security issue happens, our professionals respond quickly to contain the danger, minimise damage, and assist a speedy recovery. We give full incident reports and recommendations to help you enhance your security and avoid similar incidents.

Vulnerability Management

We performs frequent vulnerability scans and assessments to find and prioritise holes in your systems. We also collaborate closely with your team to create and implement effective remediation plans that keep your company secure and compliant.

Compliance Support

Our managed SOC services are designed to help businesses comply with industry-specific security standards and legislation such as the Australian Privacy Principles (APP), PCI DSS and ISO 27001. We give the required counsel and support to help you stay compliant and avoid costly penalties.

SOC team member

Don’t Compromise
on Security

When your company outsources its cyber security needs to TechBrain’s managed SOC services, it takes advantage of a variety of benefits, including the following:

Enhanced Security Posture

With our vigilant approach to cyber security, we ensure that you are always one step ahead of the ever-changing threats, minimising the chances of data breaches and cyberattacks.

Our team of cyber experts is constantly monitoring your systems, ensuring that your organisation is well protected at all times. You can rest easy knowing that we have everything under control.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Creating and managing an in-house SOC can be prohibitively expensive, necessitating substantial investments in staff, training, and technology. With TechBrain as your partner, you gain access to top-notch security features without breaking the bank.

Access to Expertise

Cyber security is a complex and ever-evolving field, requiring specialised knowledge and skills. Our managed SOC services provide you with access to a team of highly trained and certified security professionals who stay up-to-date with the latest threats, technologies and best practices.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business expands and changes, your cybersecurity requirements also increase. Our managed SOC services at are specifically designed to seamlessly grow alongside your organisation, ensuring that we can easily adjust to any evolving needs or unforeseen obstacles that may arise.

Improved Compliance

Many industries must adhere to rigors security regulations and standards. Our managed SOC services lower the risk of non-compliance and the fines that go along with it by giving you the required controls, monitoring and reporting capabilities.

Partnering with a trusted managed SOC service like TechBrain is crucial to ensure the resilience and success of your business in the face of evolving cyber threats.


Managed SOC Services

Cyber security has become a need in the increasingly digital world, not an option.

Financial losses, operational disruptions, reputational damage and legal ramifications are just some of the potential consequences that might result from a successful cyber attack.

Australian businesses, in particular, encounter a distinct array of obstacles.

Growing Threat Landscape

With the rapid advancement of technology and the growing adoption of digital solutions by businesses, the prevalence and complexity of cyber threats are on the rise.

Organisations need to be ready to protect themselves against various risks, including ransomware, phishing attacks, insider threats and advanced persistent threats (APTs).

Staying ahead of potential security threats requires ongoing updates to threat intelligence and risk modelling.

Regulatory Pressures

Australia adheres to stringent data privacy and security regulations, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.

Not meeting these requirements can lead to hefty fines, legal consequences and harm to your reputation.

Skills Gap

The cyber security skills gap is a worldwide issue, and Australia is no different.

Numerous organisations face challenges in attracting and retaining skilled professionals required for developing and managing efficient in-house security teams, which puts them at risk of potential attacks.

We are committed to helping Australian businesses stay secure and resilient in the face of ever-evolving cyber security threats.

Our managed SOC services provide the proactive protection and expert support you need to safeguard your organisation’s valuable assets and reputation.

Our team will work closely with you to assess your unique requirements and develop a tailored solution that meets your specific needs and budget.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—take proactive steps to protect your business with TechBrain’s managed SOC services.


Can you incorporate your managed SOC services into our current security infrastructure?

Our SOC services are made to work with tandem with the security tools and systems you already have in place.

Our team of experts will work closely with your internal IT staff to assess your current setup, identify any gaps or areas for improvement, and develop a tailored plan to incorporate our services into your existing framework.

This approach ensures that our managed SOC services complement and enhance your security posture without causing disruption to your daily operations.

How can we assess the impact of your service in lowering cyber risk and improving security posture?

TechBrain offers regular reporting and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of managed SOC services in reducing cyber risk and enhancing security posture. The reports provide detailed information on detected threats, resolved incidents, and KPIs aligned with your organisation’s security goals. Regular security assessments are also conducted.

How do you ensure that our data is secure and confidential during the monitoring and analysis process?

During the monitoring and analysis process, we put the safety and privacy of your data first.
To keep your private information safe, we follow strict data security rules and best practices in the business. Our team works in ISO 27001-certified safe spaces and all data is secured while it’s being sent and while it’s being stored.

Only approved personnel who have been through thorough background checks and security training are able to access your data. We also keep detailed records of all the changes we make and check our procedures on a daily basis to make sure on-going compliance with data privacy laws such as the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How will you report to our internal IT and security teams?

We believe in fostering a strong, transparent partnership with your internal IT and security teams. With detailed, customisable reporting tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and preferences. Our reporting includes real-time alerts for critical incidents, daily and weekly summary reports and monthly executive-level overviews.

These reports cover threat detection, incident response activities, vulnerability management, and other relevant security metrics. Additionally, our SOC team is available 10 hours a day for ad-hoc communication and collaboration with your internal teams.

Do you offer cyber security awareness training?

A strong cyber security strategy should include training and educating employees. Our cyber security awareness training gives employees the skills they need to spot possible threats and take action against them. Phishing, social engineering, password best practices and safe online work are some of the topics that will be covered.

Delivered through interactive formats like online courses and workshops, these programs foster a culture of security awareness, reducing human error and ensuring staff as a strong first line of defense against cyber threats.