
cyber security

Mitigate, Manage &
Master Cyber Risk

We’re specialists in navigating the complexities of cyber security through comprehensive NIST risk assessments.

We believe that a well-executed risk assessment is crucial for ensuring compliance and safeguarding your business operations from various digital threats.

Our experienced cyber specialists specialise in offering extensive NIST risk assessment and NIST CSF assessment services that are tailored to your individual company’s needs and objectives.

We are committed to assisting you in identifying, assessing, and eventually mitigating cyber threats, allowing you to make more educated choices and improve your entire cyber security posture.

Our Approach

We use a structured process specified in the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Risk Assessment Guidelines.

This systematic methodology enables us to completely assess your organisation’s cyber security status and provide meaningful suggestions for improvement.

The NIST SP 800 series provides thorough guidance for risk assessments, while the NIST cyber security framework takes a comprehensive approach to managing cyber security risks, guaranteeing compliance with legislation such as HIPAA, FISMA and SOX.

Initial Consultation

We begin by extensively assessing your particular needs and the unique obstacles you face in your business. This step lays the groundwork for the whole evaluation, ensuring that we concentrate exactly where your company needs it the most.

Data Collection and Analysis

Our team collects existing data from your organisation’s networks and systems. We use modern techniques and professional insights to completely assess your present security measures and find any flaws.

Risk Identification

We scan your system for security holes and threats using the thorough NIST methodology, then assess the probability and impact of each risk on your business operations.

Risk Treatment & Mitigation Planning

Based on the assessment results, we create a tailored risk treatment and mitigation plan that details specific activities to decrease your risk exposure and improve your overall cyber security posture.

Recommendation and Roadmap Development

Based on our findings, we develop precise suggestions to boost your security posture. We also provide a clear and practical implementation roadmap that is consistent with NIST standards, bringing you through the necessary improvements step by step.

techbrain team memeber analysing code

Elevate Your
Security Posture

Choosing TechBrain for your NIST risk assessment yields immediate and significant benefits for your business.

We don’t only do assessments; we create routes that improve your cyber security infrastructure while also aligning with strategic business objectives.

Our tailored strategy not only follows NIST’s stringent requirements, but it also transforms these recommendations into practical, actionable solutions that strengthen your company’s defences against cyber attacks.

Enhanced Security Posture

We detect and fix vulnerabilities, greatly improving your defences against future cyber assaults.

Compliance and governance

Our evaluations integrate cybersecurity initiatives with your overall business goals, incorporating risk management into strategic planning. Government contractors must follow NIST SP 800-171 to safeguard controlled unclassified information (CUI).

Strategic Risk Management

Our assessments align cybersecurity efforts with your broader business objectives, integrating risk management into your strategic planning. Government contractors must adhere to NIST SP 800-171 to protect controlled unclassified information (CUI).

Improved Stakeholder Confidence

A demonstrable, secure cyber security posture enhances trust among stakeholders, from your customers to your partners and investors.

Cost Efficiency

We assist you in avoiding wasteful expenditures and directing your spending towards areas that generate the greatest profit by prioritising essential risks.


Decoding Cyber Risks

NIST risk assessments are critical because they provide a consistent, government-backed methodology for enterprises to detect and mitigate possible security concerns before they become crises.

This is about more than just averting losses; it’s laying a solid platform for long-term corporate success. NIST risk assessments also serve to secure controlled unclassified information (CUI) and federal information systems, guaranteeing compliance and protecting sensitive government data.

Through these evaluations, we provide a complete study of your risk landscape as well as actionable insights that have a proven track record of guiding organisations to successful strategic decisions. Our evaluations are adaptable tools that not only protect your operations but also enhance your company’s capacity to adapt to and recover from crises.

Business Continuity

Our risk management strategies aim to make your operations strong and able to handle cyber incidents with minimal disruption. Protecting sensitive data is crucial to maintaining operational resilience and avoiding severe consequences such as loss of contracts, lawsuits, fines, and reputational damage.

Market Advantage

A reputation for stringent cybersecurity measures can set you apart in the market, attracting customers who value data protection and privacy.

Informed Decision-Making

The thorough insights gained from our audits enable you to make smart investments in your security infrastructure, ensuring that every dollar invested improves your security posture.

Dynamic Response to Emerging Threats

Cyber security trends are continuously changing. Our NIST risk assessments enable you to remain nimble, responding fast to new threats and vulnerabilities as they emerge.

Our comprehensive methodology checks all aspects of your organisation for flaws, addresses and mitigates possible hazards, and adheres to industry standards.

This degree of dedication enables you to maintain operational continuity and develop a culture of security and resilience throughout your business.

Leverage our experience conducting complete NIST risk assessments to turn your cyber security concerns into opportunities for development. Together, let us strive towards a future in which your company emerges as a secure and confident market leader.


How long does a normal NIST risk assessment take, and what level of participation is expected from our internal team?

The length of a NIST risk assessment varies according to the size and complexity of your company, as well as the scope of the assessment. An assessment might last anything from a few weeks to many months.

We strive to be efficient while providing thorough coverage. Your internal team’s engagement is critical, particularly from your IT and security departments. They will need to grant access to systems and data and may be required to discuss processes and security measures. However, we strive to limit disruptions to your everyday activities as much as possible.

How often should we conduct NIST risk assessments?

We suggest that you undertake NIST risk assessments at least once a year or if there are substantial changes to your IT environment, such as new system deployments, major updates, or after a major security event.

Regular assessments help to ensure that new risks are discovered and addressed as soon as possible and that your security posture stays strong in the face of emerging threats.

Do you offer ongoing support or continuous monitoring services?

Yes, we provide continuing support and monitoring services. Following a NIST risk assessment, we can conduct periodic reviews and real-time monitoring to ensure that any new risks are discovered and addressed promptly. This helps to maintain your compliance and security posture over time.

Can you help us prioritise and provide guidance on budget allocation for risk mitigation?

As part of our risk assessment process, we prioritise identified hazards based on their potential effect and likelihood. This allows you to better allocate your cyber security budget by prioritising the most crucial areas. We give extensive advice on how to deploy resources to manage these risks, ensuring that your investment in cyber defences is put to the best use possible.

Can you align the NIST risk assessment findings with GDPR, HIPAA, Essential 8, or industry-specific regulations?

As part of our risk assessment process, we map the identified risks and recommended controls to the relevant regulatory requirements. This helps you understand how the assessment findings relate to your compliance obligations and enables you to demonstrate adherence to industry standards.

We can also advise on how to build controls and processes that match the unique criteria of this legislation, ensuring that your company achieves and maintains compliance while improving its overall cybersecurity posture.