In this article
What is CyberSafe
With lessons that incorporate elements of the Australian Government Cyber Security Centre Essential Eight, created by experts in online learning and cyber security holding Masters degrees including Masters in System Security, CyberSafe is world-class, bite-sized online cyber awareness training that your team can access from anywhere at any time.
Best of all it is tested, graded and certified with a learning management system that enables Managers to:
1. Recognise top employees
2. Identify knowledge gaps and therefore cyber risk and
3. Demonstrate to your cyber insurer that you have proactively reduced your and their risk
There are 30 topics in total spread across 10 modules covering key areas of importance to every organisation. Â Every module has time based multiple choice questions and a reward and recognition system designed by online learning experts to maximise employee engagement and performance.
- Modules are designed to be completed within 15 minutes
- Mastery Badges are earned by employees who achieve 75% or more correct in each test within a module
- Certificate of Proficiency is issued to each employee who achieves Mastery in a minimum of 8 out of 10 modules
Managers have access to the CyberSafe Learning Management Platform delivering visibility on which employees have registered and completed each of the 10 modules including details on correctly answered questions, overall performance by topic and module as well as a list of employees who have earned their Certificate of Proficiency.
Visit CyberSafe to Learn More
Key Benefits of CyberSafe
1. Achieve Certified CyberSafe for your organization by having 80% of employees earn a Certificate of Proficiency. Certified CyberSafe signals to stakeholders that your team has attained a level of proficiency through training that is tested, graded and certified.
By promoting the Certified CyberSafe badge on your stationery and website you may:
a. assist insurance premium negotiations as some insurers may not insure you if they perceive the risk of a cyber attack as being too high
b. provide comfort to customers about the safety of the data they share with your organisation
c. impress investors looking for investments with lower risk
d. satisfy Director Duty of Care requirements to look after the best interests of the organisation
e. let staff see that the organisation is an investor in people
2. Enjoy up to date content so employees can access the system to redo modules whenever convenient
3. Receive a 3 module refresher training program at 6 months in to the 12 month subscription based on questions team members may have answered incorrectly initially
4. Easily onboard and train new team members throughout the year
5. Create continual awareness and cyber security tips via regular emails
Visit CyberSafe to Learn More
What your team will learn
- Passwords
- Phishing
- Compliance
- Websites & software
- Physical security
- Malware
- Ransomware
- Social media
- Social engineering
- Incident response
To learn more about individual topics within each of the above modules visit the CyberSafe Product page
Manager Learning Management Platform
Utilise the data analytics within the CyberSafe learning management platform to identify performance and address gaps in your organisation’s cyber awareness at both an individual employee level as well as for the entire organisation. At the same time the platform allows Managers to recognise and reward top performing employees and onboard new employees at any time during the annual subscription period.
Visit CyberSafe to Learn More or call TechBrain should you wish to discuss your organisation’s cyber security training needs.