Managed IT

Remote IT


Remote IT Help On

No matter what industry you’re in or what devices you use, every business and organisation has come to depend on technology like never before. TechBrain’s remote monitoring and management service allows us to identify and address device and network issues before they become a real concern. Better yet, we’re frequently able to solve these issues remotely, without ever needing to come out to your premises. And often, before you even realise there’s a problem!

Unforeseen damage to your applications and IT infrastructure can be extremely costly for an organisation. A single outage in your production environment can put your finances – and your technology team’s reputation – at severe risk. However, without the right tool or an efficient amount of support, it can be difficult to stay on top of all your crucial IT infrastructure.

Integrating effective IT support for your business takes a great deal of resources, skills and time to effectively incorporate for your applications and IT infrastructure. The right tools can be costly, and on top of that, the software is always changing.

Due to this complexity, many enterprises find it tough to achieve optimal IT monitoring and management internally. But day-to-day network management and monitoring is vital. TechBrain’s remote monitoring service headquartered in Perth and supported by employees and partners across Australia and overseas has you covered.

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Proactive server monitoring
and network monitoring

TechBrain offers a variety of Remote IT Monitoring and Management tools and software to help alleviate some of the pressures around IT operations. Our RMM works through remote monitoring and software automation.

RMM is a process whereby an IT system is controlled by locally installed software that can be accessed off-site. These remote service providers allow admin to manage multiple servers from wherever access to the software is allowed.

Our monitoring software can manage and monitor network devices, desktops, services, apps, mobile devices and more. Admin access allows the RMM software to install software on networks or single devices, detect new devices and protect against viruses.

Most importantly of all though, it lets us spot issues well before they actually start to impact your operations. This means we can act swiftly and proactively to keep all the components of your system running at maximum efficiency.

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Staying Safe

Secure remote access and
cloud monitoring

TechBrain’s RMM is completely secure and entrusted with advanced security and encryption methods for great protection. Furthermore, TechBrain’s monitoring software can provide you with the security your company’s IT needs without the bulky overhead.

Our RMM has the capability to remotely monitor a robust IT set up. With infrastructure monitoring software for your company, you can sleep well knowing that your IT system is monitored, functional and efficient. Hiring us for IT monitoring and management and utilising our RMM:

  • Reduces the amount of downtime that in-house IT management requires
  • Improves security
  • Reduces the need for regular maintenance, and lower maintenance costs
  • Increases IT productivity
  • TechBrain works proactively to deliver server management. With a regularly serviced IT system, you will find that your company’s software and processes work with more efficiency and security.
  • With our top remote monitoring and management professional services, we perform server monitoring and maintenance tools without disrupting your workflow, enabling you to grow your business and better serve your customers. Our tailor-made reporting offers complete visibility into your IT assets and network health.

This allows precise budgeting of IT expenses for a more informed experience. Some of our RMM platform applications can also support cloud monitoring when needed. This comprehensive solution lets you identify problems as soon as they occur and rapidly put in place a solution.

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OUR Solution

Improve system reliability &
application performance

Never leave your data and network health to chance! Put the task in reliable hands so you can be proactive, not reactive. We handle maintenance tasks such as anti-malware updates, data backups, and software updates. This means your devices are properly maintained and running updated versions at all times.

Our remote monitoring and management services can be accessed 24/7 so that you can view the status of your enterprise’s tickets. System maintenance is conducted during off-peak hours to alleviate disruptions to your daily work routine. Our focus is always on resolving issues as quickly as possible. Got a project? Start working with us today!


What devices can be fixed remotely by your team?

Our remote IT monitoring and management service covers: Mobile devices, workstations and laptops, remote devices and connection monitoring As well as your on- and off-premises data storage, remote server and data centre.

Do you provide on-site visits or just remote support?

On-site support services are offered as an additional service, either on a regular basis or on an as-needed basis.

What types of issues are covered?

TechBrain’s remote IT services cover a wide range of technical issues, including hardware and software problems, network connectivity issues, and general troubleshooting.

What is cloud monitoring?

Agile, scalable, cost-effective and easy to manage. It’s hardly surprising that more and more businesses are moving to hybrid cloud solutions, storage, tools and apps. And as more business and organisations come to depend on their cloud infrastructure, ensuring its efficiency and reliability becomes paramount.

That’s where cloud monitoring becomes invaluable. It involves scrutinising cloud processes and workflow, and ensuring they are optimised for your workloads at all times. Aside from helping to predict potential problems, cloud monitoring helps prevent: Downtime and connection loss Data breaches Slow response times from apps All while helping you make the best possible use of your cloud resources.

What is a Network Operations Center NOC?

In simple terms, a network operations centre NOC (pronounced like ‘knock’) is the central interface from which we proactively monitor our clients’ network, devices and web servers. It’s a little bit like the military command centres you see in movies!

From here, our IT experts and software engineers can: Perform cloud monitoring and mobile device management, track event logs, perform network monitoring and on-site device management, complete proactive maintenance, and much more